Thursday, September 11, 2008

Drunk Driving.

Yes, that's what part of my day consisted of! At school, we went out to one of the back parking lots. We drove golf carts around a course & part of it was with 'drunk' goggles on. Swerving left & right around cones "drunk" wasn't too bad. But I mean, if we hit a cone, big deal... just pick it up. It definitely made me not want to drive an actual car that way though. There's more than cones out on the road!

A little while ago, I was putting my brother's pjs on, and they just happened to be red, white, & blue. I asked my brother if he knew what today was... he didn't. I ended up trying to explain to him what had happened on 9/11, and how bad it was. But of course, a 4-year-old isn't going to comprehend something like that. He picked up his little toy airplane and reenacted what i had told him, sorta. The fact that most little kids are so oblivious made me laugh a little. Sometimes I wish I was little again, hakunamatata right?

Well that's all for now. Off to write another paper! Joy!


MADDIE said...

Yeah finally a post!!! Yep, you had better get to writing that paper. I am off to study on the back deck....come and see me later. This is fun communicating like this!!:)

MADDIE said...

Yep I am lazy....can you bring me a refill on my coffee outside please!!

MADDIE said...

I can't believe you put Bohemian Rhapsody on your playlist!!:)

Melissa said...

Hi Britt........can you bring me some's not too FAR to walk really. Great post!

Luv u.