Wednesday, September 17, 2008


I walked downstairs when I got home tonight to find my dad watching tv... like this:

Should I be worried? I mean, I might expect this from my little brother, but not the old man.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Thank you all so much!

I was so excited to come home to that many comments after only having this a few days.
Thanks to all of you so much! I love each and every one of you. You all made me feel better, and gave me different viewpoints that I haven't really thought about before, so thanks again. You guys are awesome!

On a different note, I think that I get amused a little too easily. I was pretty excited today to realize that I can now to do two things that I'd never thought twice about before.

1. I can check the oil in my car.

2. I know how to use one of these things:

Awesome huh!? I feel very accomplished... I'm lame, I know.

Monday, September 15, 2008

I don't understand.

Why is it so hard to be myself? It feels like an ongoing battle, and it's driving me crazy. Many of my best friends graduated, and the others I pretty much never see at school, but the majority of them don't even go there. I just feel like I don't fit in there as well anymore. I'm not making a pity party for myself at all, it's just something that bugs me all the time & I just feel like letting it out a little. The only time I feel truly comfortable and myself is when I'm hanging out with friends or family outside of school. I've pretty much given up on a social life inside of it, because it's too hard. I'm just not upbeat and obnoxious all the time like everyone else, I wasn't made to be that way. The days I'm friendly, there seems to be no point to it. Other days, I just really don't care about anything but getting my work done and getting out of there. I'm seriously considering changing schools, I'd love to. But that wouldn't be at least until next year. So I'll just have to deal. I know I need to be more positive, it's something I'm going to work on.

Sunday, September 14, 2008


Well I just got home a little while ago, and my dad's down here blasting a movie on right next to my room. I can't exactly go to sleep, so I decided to write again.
Drew's dad was watching the Auburn game earlier. During the game, the announcers mentioned a game that was cancelled(I don't remember where or which one?) because a hurricane had caused so much destruction in that area. While watching, I just got to thinking. I just haven't been concerned enough as to what's going on with the areas struck by hurricanes or the victims there. I've never actually seen the effect of destruction of that sort, it's all irrevelant to me. So I just seem to be ignoring it when i hear about it on the news. It's such a huge deal to those in the midst of the ordeal, but so many others untouched by it, definitely including myself, it are simply watching those cities fall apart and not doing anything to help. At school, for instance, they have been taking donations, but I figured they'd have plenty, my small amount of change wouldn't make any difference. But really every penny counts! The 'few cents' from all those who thought the same thing as me could turn out to be incredibly helpful. Also, the Red Cross I believe is taking canned foods & toiletry items to send down there. Let's help these people out, wouldn't you want to be?

My guilt took over, and I'd just thought I'd share. :)
Well his movie's over. Off to bed!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Drunk Driving.

Yes, that's what part of my day consisted of! At school, we went out to one of the back parking lots. We drove golf carts around a course & part of it was with 'drunk' goggles on. Swerving left & right around cones "drunk" wasn't too bad. But I mean, if we hit a cone, big deal... just pick it up. It definitely made me not want to drive an actual car that way though. There's more than cones out on the road!

A little while ago, I was putting my brother's pjs on, and they just happened to be red, white, & blue. I asked my brother if he knew what today was... he didn't. I ended up trying to explain to him what had happened on 9/11, and how bad it was. But of course, a 4-year-old isn't going to comprehend something like that. He picked up his little toy airplane and reenacted what i had told him, sorta. The fact that most little kids are so oblivious made me laugh a little. Sometimes I wish I was little again, hakunamatata right?

Well that's all for now. Off to write another paper! Joy!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Bare with me...

while i try to get this blog going!