Monday, November 17, 2008

Sweet sixteen:

So my birthday was last Wednesday. I had an amazing day hearing from everyone, going to church and hanging out with some close friends that night. The next morning was one that I had been waiting for for a long time- I got my license. After that, my parents followed me to Cracker Barrel where we ate breakfast. Shortly after, i left for school, while my mom was freaking out. To my surprise, I've gotten to go do a lot of things since then! It's been great not having to rely on others to get around. But also, I realize that I am truly by myself now out there, and it's a huge responsibility to pay attention and be defensive.

On another note, this weekend was amazing as well. Friday was the 'family' party at my house. It was nice seeing them all together again. I got many great gifts, but one particular present was completely unexpected and brought me to tears. My aunt told me to open this small, white box last. Finally, I opened it, finding a beautiful jewelry set including a topaz necklace along with a topaz ring lined with diamonds. With them was a letter written by my aunt. It basically said that the jewelry belonged to my great-grandmother Grace. It went on to say that she was also born in November (the topaz is the November birthstone). It said that "I had made the last two years of her life happier by just being me" and that "she would want me to have the necklace and ring". I was overjoyed, this being one of the most sentimental, sincere things ever given to me. I love my family!

Then Saturday night was the 'friend' party. Although there were many who were busy and couldn't make it, I still had a great time! That night, Maci, Emily, and Bri stayed at my house and we all had a great time! Bri rode with me to church Sunday morning. Boy do I miss that girl! She's a hoot!

Lastly, I love my mom and dad so much. They've made this birthday such a memorable one! They strive way too hard to please us. At this point, I understand all the rules they had set for me in the past. Even if I was annoyed with them then, my parents knew what they were doing. They've made me the person I am today. They've grown our family up to be so close, so strong. They're lenient with me because we've grown so close the past few years, and a great trusting bond. I'm so, so thankful that God stuck me with them as my parents! I wouldn't ask for anything different!


Angie said...

This has got to be the sweetest thing I have ever read...and now I'm typing through tears!!!!

You are the best young lady!

You are special and very loved!!!

Angie said... have a wonderful family too...God knew you needed them and they need you!

Angie said...

Your party was fun. You make me smile :-)

Anonymous said...

Wow brittany that was so awesome to read. Im so happy that you had a lot of fun this weekend. Im sorry i couldn't come to your party. :(

MADDIE said...

Britt...I am amazed at the young woman you are becoming. You are so wise beyond your years. I am soooooo incredibly blessed that God chose me to be your mom. I love you and am so proud of you.

Melissa said...

brittany...i love you so much. you are an incredible, beautiful, sweet and sensational Godly princess. i love that the Lord has let me know you and that He brought our families together many years ago. you are an amazing role model for my girls and i would be honored for them to follow closely in your foot steps. we love you!

Jill said...

I know your parents are proud of you too! I'm glad you had a great birthday! ( :

Anonymous said...

I remember when I thought being
16 was being an adult.
I can't believe we're big kids now.
Weird.. I love you Britt!
Congrats on your sweet sixtaaann :)