Wednesday, November 5, 2008


I admit, I'm a terrible blogger. I just don't have too much ever going on that anyone would really care to read about. So, I'm just going to catch up a bit.

Jared, Daniel, and I are getting to take a break from playing at church for a few weeks. Personally, I'm relieved we get to take a breather. Playing can be pretty awesome sometimes, don't get me wrong. But it'll be nice just getting to go into worship without worrying about not messing up, and "What do we do here"... yeah. Just getting to totally worship, you know?

One another note: my birthday's a week from today, sweet sixteen. Yeah I'm still a youngin, I know. But it's not every birthday you get your license! Yes it'll be nice. I'm also on a job hunt, any suggestions?

Also, Jordan has joined the blog world! Check her out:


Sunshine & Samsonite Suicases said...

ha i get it1!!
ketchup like catch up!!!
how crafty are you!
and thanks for the shoutout lol

Angie said...

I can't believe you are almost 16 Britt. I am so proud of you. You are truly precious...TRULY. God has big plans for you, I just know it!

Oh, I'll be thinking about the job thing.

Have a great week!